People who, regardless of the number of followers, language or posting frequency, write interesting, insightful, or useful content about the political situation in Catalonia.
If you could only follow one account, this is the one you want. Extremely insightful daily threads about the players involved in the European political chess board, with special attention to Catalonia's situation. If you're for Catalonia's independence his posts will give you a daily morale boost. If you're against it... well, then maybe not so much. Writes in Spanish.
Lo primero que tienen que saber de Juncker es que la unidad de España le importa menos que un bledo. Y que cambiará su apoyo a Rajoy por crítica feroz cuando le convenga
— CNI Catalunya (@CNICatalunya) November 20, 2017
Writer and publisher. She writes books about Catalonia (among other subjects), and can often be seen translating into English relevant tweets or live interviews. Writes in English, Catalan and Spanish.
Some differences between Catalans in favor of Catalan independence and those who want to stay in Spain, according to , with graphics created by @SergiCastanye, translated by yours truly (thread 👇)
— Liz Castro (@lizcastro) November 23, 2017
(this first one is SERIOUS!)
Helps refute fake news and often posts very informational threads collecting information regarding the actions of the Spanish government against Catalonia. Writes in English, Catalan and Spanish.
You might have heard Spanish nationalists saying that "Spain is one of the most decentralized countries in the world". Well, this is FALSE. Catalan indy is about politics and policies, NOT ABOUT MONEY.
— Arnau Riwz (@arnauriwz) November 15, 2017
Only in 2014/15 Spain challenged and stopped all of this Catalan laws ⬇️
Photojournalist and writer. Knows very well the Spanish far right organizations. He often covers demonstrations as they happen and provides photo evidence of the damage caused by these groups. Usually writes in Catalan.
Qui deia primer una cosa i després una altra és el mateix Domènech, que tal i com explica el llibre "El part dels comuns" de @saldonar, va prometre a la seva companya que MAI seria candidat a presidir al Generalitat. De la promesa en fa just 2 anys i 2 dies.
— Jordi Borràs (@jordiborras) November 23, 2017
He's the director of Vilaweb, a well-known Catalan news site. In his personal Twitter account he often posts a selection of relevant articles from Vilaweb, plus other important or interesting information from other sources. He writes mainly in Catalan, but he shares content in English, French, Catalan and Spanish.
El PP anima les empreses a marxar de Catalunya i ara els promet incentius fiscals perquè tornin
— Vicent Partal (@vpartal) November 23, 2017
Politician. Despite being against Catalonia's independence, he has earnt the respect of many Catalans (both pro- and against independence) for his honesty and his willingness to defend the right to decide and to challenge the Spanish government when it acts in an unjust manner. Writes in Catalan and Spanish.
L'1-O i el 3-O Catalunya va cambiar x sempre. No hi ha enquesta que pugui encabir aquest tsunami. Només depén de nosaltres. Bon dia! ✊️
— Albano-Dante Fachin (@AlbanoDante76) November 20, 2017
He knows a thing or two about the security forces in Catalonia and Spain. In his tweets he often posts about politics based on his own principles. Writes mainly in Catalan, but also Spanish, or Aranese.
Les mentides de @CiudadanosCs per boca del seu president @Albert_Rivera. Quin trauma té de petit aquest senyor? O són efectes colaterals d’alguna cosa?
— ᗩLᙖᙓᖇTᗟᙢ🎗 (@albert_dmcat) November 23, 2017
O potser li ve del cosí (Primo, en castellà)?
Posts interesting information about Spanish political parties, especially things they'd rather you didn't know. His latest thread unmasking the Ciudadanos party has been getting lots of attention even outside Catalonia. Writes mainly in Spanish.
Hilo desmontando a Ciudadanos: Las cosas que te esconden y no quieren sepas:
— Joan Mangues🎗️ (@jmangues) November 23, 2017
Teacher of political sciences at University of Barcelona. Writes about politics, culture and current news, especially the ones that have to do with the actions of Spanish ultra-right wing groups in Catalonia or refutal of the Spanish government's positions. Writes mainly in Spanish and Catalan.
Para quienes quieren entender #CatalanReferendum #1oct #1o desde el respeto y con pluralismo#ParlemHablemos#recuperemelseny
— Xavier Torrens (@xavier_torrens) October 8, 2017
👇 El hilo 👇
Author and news host. Englishman living between Barcelona and Madrid. Understands Spanish and Catalan politics very well and often comments on the actions of Spanish politicians. Writes mostly in English.
Wait, @Albiol_XG, I thought it was @gonzalezpons who’d insulted a few people in Europe recently? And also @AlfonsoDastisQ insulted everyone’s intelligence by lying about fake pictures of Spanish police brutality and boasting about the comfort of Spanish jails. Don’t you remember?
— Tim Parfitt (@tjparfitt) November 20, 2017